Online Training

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Frequently Asked Questions about Using Face Masks to Reduce the Spread of COVID-19

The purpose of this training is to provide Important Information about Universal Masking During the COVID-19 Pandemic. University of Texas Health Science Center experts will answer your questions about the use of face masks to reduce the spread of COVID-19.

Important Information about Universal Masking During the COVID-19 Pandemic

The purpose of this training is to provide Important Information about Universal Masking During the COVID-19 Pandemic. The experts from the University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston will answer your questions about the use of face coverings while on the UTHealth campus.

Post-Flood Infectious Diseases and Hazards

This module serves to ensure that everyone has the knowledge and skills to prevent dangers associated with common post-flood infectious diseases and hazards. With the recent devastating hurricanes of Harvey and Irma, severe and catastrophic weather and floods will be something that continues to affect communities throughout the United States.

The Use of Personal Protective Equipment with Suspected Ebola-Infected Patients in Ambulatory Care Clinics

The purpose of this training is to provide general guidance to workers in ambulatory care clinics located in academic centers so that workers may protect themselves through the use of personal protective equipment (or PPE) in the event that they suspect a patient may be infected with the Ebola virus.

The Use of Personal Protective Equipment with Suspected Ebola-Infected Patients in Ambulatory Care Clinics (Spanish)

El objetivo de este adiestramiento es proveer orientación general a los empleados de las clínicas de cuidado ambulatorio ubicadas en centros académicos para que puedan protegerse mediante el uso de equipo de protección personal (o PPE) ante la eventualidad de sospecha que un paciente pudiera estar infectado con el virus del Ébola.

Basic Emergency Preparedness for Everyone An Overview Course in Everyday Readiness

The purpose of this training is to provide the basic principles of emergency preparedness. Emergencies can strike without warning. Not only can your home be affected but also the workplace, community, state or nation. Help may take hours or days. This course will help you to prepare for yourself, your family, workplace and community. This course is an outline of summary information meant for the general public to prepare themselves for general emergencies. This is not an inclusive course in emergency preparedness and does not supersede the instructions or advisories of authorities.

Basic Emergency Preparedness for Everyone An Overview Course in Everyday Readiness (Spanish)

El propósito de este entrenamiento es proporcionar los principios básicos de la preparación para emergencias. Las emergencias pueden atacar sin previo aviso. No solo puede verse afectado su hogar sino también su lugar de trabajo, comunidad, estado o nación. La ayuda puede tardar horas o días en llegar. Este curso le ayudará a prepararse a Ud. mismo, su familia, lugar de trabajo y comunidad.
Este curso es un guión de información resumida destinado a la población en general para que se prepare en emergencias generales. Este no es un curso exhaustivo sobre la preparación para emergencias y no sustituye a las instrucciones o avisos de las autoridades.

Basic Fire Safety For Everyone

The purpose of this training is to provide to the general public with a basic information about fire safety, including simple fire science concepts and we’ll offer best methods for responding to small fires. This is not a comprehensive course.

General First Aid for Everyone (Spanish)

Este curso está diseñado para enseñarle como tratar heridas básicas y enfermedades repentinas hasta que personal médico avanzado llegue a la escena. El hecho de reconocer y proveer intervención rápidamente puede minimizar los efectos de las heridas y enfermedades.

General First Aid for Everyone

This class is designed to teach you how to care for basic injuries and sudden illness until advanced medical personnel arrive. By recognizing and providing quick intervention, you can minimize the effects of both injury and illness.